Kyron’s experienced team can help you recognize, evaluate and control workplace hazards. Uncontrolled chemical, biological and physical hazards can lead to injuries and occupational illnesses. Let us help you keep your employees safe and healthy. Services include but are not limited to:
Exposure Assessments – Air and/or surface sampling to assess exposures to hazardous substances such as asbestos, dusts, lead, PCBs, solvents, acids, bases, metals, mold, gases, and fibers. Sampling may be done to address employee complaints, establish exposure baselines, meet regulatory requirements, or evaluate control measures.
Noise Monitoring - A Hearing Conservation program is required by OSHA/DOSH whenever employee noise exposures exceed 85 decibels over an 8-hour work shift (WAC 296-817). Kyron’s services include conducting noise monitoring to determine the applicability of a hearing conservation program or conduct compliance checks for a program already in place. We can even help you develop a hearing conservation program, if needed. Other services include recommending noise engineering controls, training employees on the proper use of hearing protection, personal dosimetry, area dosimetry and noise mapping.
Call (509) 252-8880 or email for more information.