Kyron offers six AHERA Asbestos courses: Building Inspector Initial and Refresher, Management Planner Initial and Refresher and Project Designer Initial and Refresher. Our instructor certification is through the state of Missouri. See below for specifics of each course and registration information.
24-hr (3-days)
We offer this course approximately every other month.
As of 7/1/23: $625
As of 1/1/25 $675
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
EPA regulations require that all asbestos samples collected from public commercial/industrial and school facilities be obtained by an Accredited AHERA Building Inspector.
This is a required certification for anyone conducting building surveys for the presence or absence of asbestos-containing materials. It is recommended for industrial hygienists, engineers, architects, property managers, operation & maintenance personnel, regulator personnel, and environmental consultants.
This course satisfies the requirements outlined in the April 1994 EPA Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and includes the topics of asbestos identification and classification, health implications, and building inspection techniques.
Successful completion of this course allows “asbestos good faith inspections” to be conducted.
This course includes a hands-on portion of education. If you have a situation that precludes your full participation, please contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information and accommodation options.
4-hr (0.5-day)
We offer this course approximately once per month.
As of 7/1/23: $205.
As of 1/1/25 $255
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
EPA regulations require that all asbestos samples collected from public commercial/industrial and school facilities be obtained by an Accredited AHERA Building Inspector.
Students must have received initial 24-hr AHERA Building Inspector accreditation and are not expired for over 12 months.
This course satisfies the annual refresher requirements outlined in the April 1994 EPA Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). It reviews all of the topics previously covered in the Building Inspector Initial course.
Upon successful completion, Kyron will distribute a certificate that extends the previous BII accreditation for an additional year.
16-hr (2-days)
We offer this course as needed. If you are in need of this certification, please contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information.
As of 7/1/23: $1250
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
Under the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA) school districts whose buildings contain asbestos are required to develop management plans for each building.
You must have current AHERA Building Inspector accreditation before taking this course.
The management plan is a required document in K12 schools that specifies training, cleaning, work practices, and surveillance to maintain asbestos-containing materials in good condition. This 2-day AHERA Management Planner accreditation course is for individuals who design, review and modify these plans. This course covers asbestos identification and classification, health implications, and applicable regulatory requirements.
Upon successful completion, the attendee will be accredited to perform Management Planner activities and duties.
This course includes a hands-on portion of education. If you have a situation that precludes your full participation, please contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information and accommodation options.
4-hr (0.5-day)
We offer this course as needed, which is generally a few times per year. Contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information.
As of 7/1/23: $225
As of 1/1/25 $275
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
Under the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA) school districts whose buildings contain asbestos are required to develop management plans for each building.
Students must have received initial 16-hr AHERA Management Planner accreditation and are not expired for over 12 months.
This course will review all of the same required topics as the Management Planner Initial course.
Upon successful completion, Kyron will issue a certificate that extends accreditation for an additional year.
24-hr (3-days)
If you are in need of this certification, please contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information. We offer this course as needed.
As of 7/1/23: $900
As of 1/1/25 $950
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
EPA regulations require that persons who design certain types of asbestos response actions in schools and public or commercial buildings and vessels be accredited as AHERA Project Designers.
This course accredits individuals to write Asbestos Abatement Specifications for schools, industrial and commercial buildings in accordance with 40 CFR part 763.90(g).
This course covers the required engineering and work practice controls and administrative procedures for asbestos work and also addresses liability issues associated with asbestos project design work and recommendations to help manage risk. Even when the AHERA Project Designer certification is not required by law, the knowledge acquired from this course will help prevent costly citations and litigation issues.
A response action is defined under AHERA as enclosure, encapsulation, removal or repair of asbestos-containing materials. This course satisfies this requirement. It is recommended for industrial hygienists, engineers, architects, construction managers and estimators, asbestos supervisors, and consultants who deal with asbestos work.
Upon successful completion, the attendee will be certified to be the Project Designer for asbestos projects where asbestos-containing materials are disturbed or could become airborne.
This course includes a hands-on portion of education. If you have a situation that precludes your full participation, please contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information and accommodation options.
8-hr (1-day)
We offer this course approximately once per quarter. Contact our office at (509) 252-8880 or for more information.
As of 7/1/23: $335
As of 1/1/25 $385
US EPA under TSCA Title II AHERA 40 CFR Part 763
Under the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA) school districts whose buildings contain asbestos are required to develop management plans for each building.
Students must have received initial 24-hr AHERA Project Designer accreditation and are not expired for over 12 months.
This course is designed to cover the required engineering and work practice controls and administrative procedures for asbestos work and also addresses liability issues associated with asbestos project design work and recommendations to help manage risk. Even when the AHERA Project Designer certification is not required by law, the knowledge acquired from this course will help prevent costly citations and litigation issues.
Upon successful completion, Kyron will distribute a certificate that extends the student accreditation for an additional year.